

10 Things I Love Right Now

Today's Tuesday 10 is 10 things I love Right Now - I thought this seemed appropriate since I haven't been liking many things lately and I want to be more positive.

10 things I love Right Now
1. That 90210 is coming out on DVD in Novemeber - How can you not love that.
2. My fridge and cupboards are stocked I went to the grocery for the first time in months and it's so lovely to have food in there that's not meat for the grill.
3. That my friend Jeanne is giving me a steal on a couch and now we won't have to sit on one propped up on phone books. Gotta love good friends and new used furniture!
4. Elsie Flannigan's 52 challenges book- I got it for my birthday from my super fabulous brother Jay Jones - Love ya JJ!
5. Ice Water - You can't have too much of this in the summer.
6. What a fun way to listen to some good music.
7. Altering with Kim and Aubrey - even though Aubrey had a near meltdown when she didn't apply enought Mod Podge to her project.
8. My new laptop at work - it's super souped up and it's so much faster than my old machine.
9. Project Runway - Who would have thought I'd like this show but after watching a marathon on day when it was raining I got sucked in.
10. Last but not least Jay even though he didn't like how I mowed the lawn for my second time ever Sunday he seems to want to be in a great mood lately and I gotta love that when I'm not so much.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I just went to the grocery for the first time in a long time tonight too. It does feel good to have not only food, but maybe even a few choices. :) I really like your Tuesday 10 lists!

  2. I LOVE Project Runway too!! Hubby and I love the show (I am so glad I am not alone).

    I also am loving the 52 challenges book, I know you will do awesome things with it!!

