

Drip! Drip! Drip!

Last night as I'm going to bed I keep hearing something drip. So I get up and check all the facets and showerheads nothing seems to be dripping. So I go back to bed - brushing it off as if I'm hearing things. Just as I pull the covers over me....


Still dripping, so I listen for a while and determine that it's coming through the vent. So I get out of bed, put on some scrubby clothes, move all my printers from above the crawlspace door. And crawl under there with the spiders and my little crappy flashlight. Well I can't see jack. But I fumble around and there seems to be some dampness on the linning that covers the dirt up around where I think is below the bathroom - Oh Brother.
So I decide to call Jay's friend who's an industrial plumber (you know the kind that works on large machinery), he says he'll be over in the morning and I go to bed. Went to work for a little while today came home meet him. And we crawl around under the house for a while in the dirt and spiders and he determines it probably is the condenser pipe or something and tells me to call my AC people to have them look at it since I'm still under warranty, he says it's probably been dripping since it's installed, just didn't notice until the catch pan filled up.

So I cross your fingers and pray he's right (who wants major plumbing problem?)

The same guy to fix it that came when we found out the old one was broken (they one that looks 12). Anyhow he fixed me up and cleaned all the water up, and assures me we wouldn't have any water damage as it's nice and ventilated under there :). He also complimented me for going down there with him he said women won't ever crawl under the crawl space - I thanked him for the compliment and left out the part that I was most worried my floorboards would mold and I'd fall through the floor in a few days. Thank goodness for small miracles today.

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