

The Tuesday 10

I feel like I'm neglecting this blog a bit soiIn my efforts to actually blog more I'm starting "The Tuesday 10" in which I plan to make a list of 10 things every Tuesday they can be anything really just a list of 10 things. This week since it's the 4th of July I'm going to have "The Tuesday 10" be all about things I love about Independence Day - so here we go.

"The Tuesday 10 - I love Indepence Day"
1. Parades
2. Red White and Blue T-Shirts - (I seem to have a collection of these and I bust them out around the 4th)
3. Big Summer Sales!
4. Star Spangled Banner
5. Freedom of the Press even though I know it's a little bit to the left when I'm more independent
6. It's Close to My Birthday so there's always a long celebration!
7. Red White and Blue Rocket Pops
8. Grilling Hot dogs (nothing says all-american to me more than hot dogs)
9. Religious Freedoms (even though I don't get to church often its nice to know that I can chose)
10. Fireworks - at what other time of year is the entire neighborhood shooting off rockets until the wee hours of the morning - how can we all not love this!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:00 AM

    oohh, im loving this list!! what a fun idea... i may have to borrow the concet ;)
