

Day #2 Long Full Day

Too tired to type much.
Too tired to upload any pictures.
Wouldn't matter as the camera batteries are dead.
Here's the highlights -
  • Went to Archivers for and M&T with friends. Enjoyed lunch with them too.
  • Saw a few practice laps no guesses on the winners yet.
  • Met Carl Edwards - he signed some flip flops for me - I'm sure years down the line someone will ask what's the weirdest thing he ever signed and he'll say "flip flops" - probably also mention if he wasn't sure if I was going to go barefoot the rest of the day or not. Not to worry I didn't actually have him sign ones I'm wearing or going to wear.
  • Won two free Sharpies! I was hoping for something more fun but maybe I'm holding out for Richard Petty Driving Experience or a helicoptor ride to the track.
  • Went to See Ricky Bobby at Movies - very funny I'd give it 3 out of 4 stars small children should avoid it though. Jay says it's more like a 2 but I saw him laughing more than he'd admit too.
  • Avoided horrible sunburn so far anyhow.
Well I'll post photo's tomorrow probably. We aren't sure yet if we are going to go to qualifying or not before the Busch race - we've never been before so we think it could be fun, but we could also burn ourselves out. Okay so that's more than I intended but now I'm done.

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