

Tuesday 10 - 10 Things Happening Right Now (exciting I know)

I missed last week and I almost forgot today. Someone mentioned blogs on tonights staff meeting call and naturally that reminded me. So here's today's list -

10 Things Happening Right Now (Exciting I Know)
  1. House fan is running - the sound is almost calming and it's old fashioned air conditioning.
  2. Jay's left Andy Griffth on the TV in the living room.
  3. I'm adding this entry to my blog.
  4. Dinner is in the oven.
  5. It's Raining
  6. I am not and did not go to the post office and mail out a few treats I made for people this weekend.
  7. My contacts are dry.
  8. I'm chewing Extra chewing gum again (I'm giving the new new flavor a chance - although I'm still a fan of the old old flavor - damn those Extra people).
  9. My scrapbook room is calling my name - perhaps I'll make something tonight.
  10. The next door neighbor is calling? I wonder why.

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