

Tuesday 10 - 10 Things I want to Do Before I'm 30

Please note this list doesn't mean that 30 is old by any means it's just a list of goals I have to do before I turn 30.

Tuesday 10 - 10 things I want to do before I'm 30.
  1. Travel Across the Country in an RV I want to go all along - Not done but I did go to several new states.
  2. Learn to Knit - DONE
  3. Go scuba diving
  4. Visit at least 5 zoo's I've not been too - I think I only crossed off two Milwalkee, and Boston
  5. Learn to to speak another language at least semi fluently - I can say like two new phrases
  6. Have a layout/scrapbook project published - Nope
  7. Read and Enjoy reading 10 good books (this will probably be a hard one as silly as it sounds). - Well I think I read 10 but whether they were good or not is debatable.
  8. Take a photography class so I can take better pictures - NOPE
  9. Make a difference (this is still a "Idea in progress") - You tell me?  I would like to say I have made a difference in the lives of my family and friends.
  10. Travel to Europe - YES - England, Ireland, and Wales - there is so much more to see too.
Updated 1/21/2011 to reflect the status. 


    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      You may be interested in my cousin's book. They traveled in a RV across America. It's like diary.
      The book is called Good bye careers, Hello America by Theresa and Bert Sherman. Hope the link works. Love your top ten list. Karen R./KareBear@IDOS.

    2. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Just coopy and past the if doesn't work. Karen R.

    3. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Good luck!! I hope that you can get it all done!! If we meet up some time I can teach you to knit!!

    4. Anonymous6:27 PM

      How many of these did you accomplish?

    5. Anonymous6:28 PM

      How many of these did you do?

    6. Anonymous6:28 PM

      How many of these did you do?
