

A mini christmas photo shoot

Jay and I were out and about this after and somehow I talked him into going to the park at the elementary school for a little mini Christmas photo shoot. Too bad it's such a gloomy day out there today. Here's some of the photos we took.

Lookie here we are with an evergreen tree so christmasy.
Jay and a brick wall. I love this angle and the wall.
This photo was actually a mistake but I like it. The wind knocked the camera over and I was coming over to get it straighten out and it took a shot of me.

Jay did not want to go down the slide probably because his hat didn't fit... but he did sit at the bottom.
last but not least Katie the red nosed reindeer coming down the slide.

Well I guess I need to get back to finishing off these gifts and start on the wrapping I'm very close to finishing only 5 more gifts left to complete if I don't count Jay's.

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