

Tuesday 10 - 10 New Things...

Lots of new fun things around here. So I thought I would share them.
  1. New Silverware - gosh it's nice to have forks spoons and knives when you want them.
  2. New Hobbies - I'm knitting up a storm.
  3. New Idea Books from the Library - The library rocks!
  4. New Socks
  5. New Coat - well not really new as I just took back the one I bought last year and traded it for a black one.
  6. New iPod purchased with one old almost expired gift card. I can't wait to have JJ show me how to put music on it.
  7. New haircut
  8. 5 or 6 More New OC's - I'm still deeply saddened this will be all of them.
  9. New Practice at work - I'm still in the same division just a new Practice that my division falls in.
  10. New Vacuum - This still hasn't worn off I caught Jay vacuuming the lent from behind the dryer the other day.
New is GOOD! Happy Tuesday folks.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun with your new things!! iPods are so cool!
