

Wednesday's 5 day Forecast

No Tuesday 10 yesterday since I worked all day and then ran to the airport where I refused to pay $9.99 for Wifi for 90 minutes. So today I'm having a Wednesday's 5 Day Forecast Highlighting the things on my list to do in the next 5 days.
  1. Thursday - Work and then I'm going to see CATS the Musical I got free tickets so I can't pass it up.
  2. Friday - Work (exciting times I'm interviewing a few candidates for my old job) I also want to spend some quality time with Jay.
  3. Saturday - I'm going to try and see a few girlfriends I've been neglecting for a few months. I also need to get a few hours of yes WORK.
  4. Sunday - I think I'll sleep in late and then maybe scrapbook or knit. Probably also do some WORKING and maybe some napping.
  5. Monday - Work (Interviewing a few more candidates - I can't wait until we find the right one!). I'm also having lunch with a favorite vendor of mine :)

1 comment:

  1. Hope your next 5 days will be good ones! Enjoy Cats ~ I've seen it twice! :) How cool to have free tickets....
