

Mac Bake

Since I'm going on the road this week I made Jay some Mac Bake so he has something he can heat up easily while I'm gone. We used to make a version of this back when I was at CB - I like mine with brocoli too Jay no to so much.
1 lb of Elbow Mac Cooked
8 oz Veletta Cheese melted
1/2 cup Motzarella Cheese Shredded
3/4 lb of Cooked Ham chopped
3 slices toasted bread (crumbled)
1/2 cup Broccoli (option)
Normally I would make this in two 8x8 casserole dishes and freeze one but I used the big one tonight so Jay has several meals to fix in the microwave. You mix everything but the bread crumbs and about a 1/4 the motzarella cheese in the casserole dish mix. Then you sprinkle the bread crumbs and the remaining cheese on top and pop it in a 375 degree oven for 30-45 minutes until it's golden brown on top. If your guy like Jay doesn't like his broccoli then you can cook that seperate and mix it in to your portions.