

The Giant Bean!

I've wanted to go see this in the daylight for several years but we never quite get to the Bean when I'm in Chicago unless it's dark out. But finally this time we made a special point to fight the traffic and go see the bean.

This is not a picture of the Bean but rather a building near the stock exchange.
Here we have Jay and I in the bean. I'm in pink, Jay's in gray.
Here I am next to the bean.
Underneath the bean. This is a very cool angle if there hadn't been like 15 people around I probably would have laid down to take a picture.
And one more of the city in the bean.


  1. love the giant bean..

  2. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Ray and Jared got some cool bean pics when they were in Chi Town while I was at the PAWS retreat. I love the bean!


  3. too freakin awesome
