

Hi Honey's I'm Home!

Back home again. I spent 10 hours on planes and in the airports yesterday how freaking fun is that? One bizarre thing was I was on the 5pm flight from Boston to Atlanta and there was an 8pm flight as well and both flights were delayed and were boarding at the same time, heck if I had known I would have booked the 8pm one and gone shopping before going to the airport. Oh well.
I passed my airport time away working, talking on the phone, napping, and reading (yes that's right I said reading). In fact read an entire book yesterday - another gold star for me this week. I think that is some kind of record for me. I never read books books. I don't even think I've ever read an entire book in a day before unless maybe you count One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish or something like that. The book I read is called a Less Ordinary Life - I'm not entirely sure what compelled me to get this at the library last week as all the other books I got are boring ones to reference for work, or crafty things and such. It's not exactly that great of a book either as I know very little about the indian culture and I needed a glossary for some of the words but anyhow there you have it another "first" this week.
Who knows what today's "first" adventure will bring. Tomorrow I'm off to Illinois (Quad Cities area) for the weekend to see some friends Jay is coming as my driver and I'm sure he will find something to entertain himself with maybe he will find himself on a John Deere tractor adventure - I guess I better pack him a camera. Look out Tammy, Mandi, Dawn, Laura and anyone I forgot here I come!
Happy Friday to All!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:11 PM

    I love the pages but my favorite is the story of the bus ride.
