

New Adventures starting tomorrow...

I'm off to Boston tomorrow I started a new project this week and it will require travel to Boston for the next 6 weeks or so. I originally wasn't looking forward to the trip but now it's kinda growing on me. I'm excitied to see parts of the city I haven't seen before, meet new people, and rak up some more travel miles (wehoo!). I've never been to Boston in the fall either so I'm hoping for great weather, reasonable traffic jams, and pretty foliage oh and maybe a tad bit of good travel luck!

Today I need to get my business stuff packed, work in the yard getting it "winterized", grocery shop so Jay has something to eat, pay mid month bills, get some presents I made gathered up and mailed out, get my new contacts from the eye doctor (ekk he closes at 1!), scan those layouts I cranked out last night, oh and maybe enjoy 5-10 minutes of being home.

Oh and by the way :motorized screwdrivers" = "electronic screwdrivers" I wasn't sure what the heck it was called - they have nothing to do with anything you drink though!


  1. great blog katie,maybe some pics next time.

  2. Enjoy your trip to Boston!!

  3. Hey Katie! is the rumore true? Youre coming to the Slammer! I cant wait!It will be so good to see you again! Oh and youre first on my list of 8!

  4. Hey, Katie. So cool you are traveling to Boston. I've been there only once and I absolutely loved it. Hope you enjoy.

  5. Hope things going well in Boston!

  6. I want to travel to Boston one of these days!
