


Mimi tagged me so I figure I better respond. With this tag you tell where you were 10/20/30 years ago. So here we have it.

10 years ago...
I was a senior in high school. Since today is a Friday I was probably working. I think I was still a server and not yet a cook at the Liberty Bell Restaurant. So it would have been a good tip night yay for that. I lived with my mom and step dad and siblings in Liberty, IN. I was probably enjoying life as much as I am now aside from the whole "rule" thing as I'm sure my biggest concerns were what kind of fun my friends and I were going to be doing, what's the answer to this calculus question, did I leave my soap in the shower, is my baby sister getting into my nailpolish, and all that petty stuff at the time it seemed important now when I compare it to real life it's still important just in a different way. I was friends with Lauren, Jenny G, Rachel, Donnie and Caleb.

20 years ago...
I was 7 in the second grade. My teacher was Mrs. Gabbard I think I'm sure my mom will know for sure. I lived in Oxford, Ohio with my mom and brothers this was a time when I was a middle child with my own bedroom (ah the luxuries). I don't remember a whole lot from seven grade except for rolling skating parties on thrusday nights, church on sundays, trips to the bluffs what a grand place this was to someone who is 7 now it's little more than a cliff with a creek at the bottom, and good wholesome family fun. I was friends with Sara, Bethany, Beth and Robin and Jenny (who were twins and I thought that was so much fun).

30 years ago...
I wasn't even a twinkle in my parents eyes - JJ however was! I'm sure God however was laying out the fabulous plans for me up somewhere in heaven. I'm envisioning him drawing me out in complex blue prints complete with polka dots, flip flops, and kung pau chicken, with his t-square, protractor, compass and big fat sharpie marker - he probably even had some bling and chipboard on those plans too.

Without further ado I'm going to tag...

Kim (you better do this)


  1. geee...thanks!

  2. Cool idea! It would make a great scrapbook page since I can actually go back 10, 20, 30 and 40!.

  3. Got it and will post soon!!

  4. Reading yours makes me feel so old... LOL!
