


Jeanne and I babysat for Kim and Roger this weekend while they went to celebrate their anniversary. Kim's daughters are just the cutest little things both of them unique with their own little personalities. Sammie and I had hit it off long before when I was scrapping at Kim's house so naturally she and I had a great time together. Here's a few highlights of the weekend complete with a ton of photos (believe me I could have taken more you can tell the girls mom is a scrapbooker because they were all about getting their photo taken).
  • Sammie and I making Pizza and FRENCH TOAST.
  • Getting pulled over for making a right hand turn from the left hand lane. (No tickets however the police officer did give "my daughter" a coloring book because she was so sweet - we just let him think whatever as we didn't want tickets.
  • Yummy lunch at Spaghetti Factory complete with BAD service.
  • Eyebrow threading - note try not to sneeze.
  • Sammie and I attempting to read in Spanish.
  • Sydney doing makeovers.
  • Losing my Cell Phone.
  • Playing on the sculpture at the Art museum.
  • Shopping thank goodness Sammie didn't want to go into Abercombie I'm sorry that store STINKS. I'm happy to announce that Sammie and I both resisted any urges to buy anything - however Kim Sammie really did like this Blue/Black Dress at the Limited Too (you might want to pick it up for her birthday).
  • Sydney not knowing that Massachutes was a state - for the record she thought it was part of New York.


  1. Looks like so much fun!!

    Love the pictures!!

  2. I'm glad I got to spend the weekend with you... and that you actually cooked some FRENCH TOAST! :)

  3. Anonymous9:00 PM

    How adorable all of you are! Glad you had such a great time!


  4. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Katie J, you're a good photographer! Love the poses out in the Art Gardens.
    Looks like a super fun wknd!!

  5. Looks like you all had great fun!!

    Hey, any chance you and Jeanne want to try babysitting for 3 sometime?? LOL!

  6. My girls had the time of their life with you and Jeanne! They are still talking about all the fun! I can't thank you enough!! Love ya!

  7. Those photos are amazing!!!
