

Black Friday

a few highlights...
getting up at 3 am
seeing the people even nuttier than us outside of best buy
Awesome handmade tees - thanks kim
Donna hollering out of her car to find out if the people who beat us to Kohls were going for the DVD players
making a fruitcake of myself on live tv
Black Friday surival kits from a BFF named Kim
Donna and Cheryl buying a Wii out of the back of a guys truck (yes that's right out of the back of a truck)
lunch oh so yummy
spending time with friends and making a few new ones priceless!


  1. You guys are so cute, and those shirts are oh, so true! ;)

  2. those are some great photos and looks like you had a blast!

  3. OK, who takes pics on Black Friday? LOL

  4. I think it was my funnest Black Friday EVER!!!!! I need copies of your pics!

  5. Cute shirts!!! I was happily in bed, knowing that I was already done with all my shopping! :)
