

I Love Spicy and Hot!

Kung Pau chicken!

I thought I would try this little chinese food place I passed on my way to my hotel from work tonight - Sichaun Garden.
It's a super cute place in a old mansion circa 1661. There was little nemos in the lobby. Peeling paint outside. And they are zagat award winners. And my Kung Pau chicken was fabulous - although it was SUPER SUPER HOT AND SPICY. The little hostess was too fun - I don't think he spoken much english aside from his numbers. And however yummy it was I however am still tasting the heat I think my sinuses will be clear for months. Here's a few pictures.

Last night I met my coworker and friend Gregg and his wife Lee at this place in Sturbridge called Publick House also a historic place turned into a restaurant. The Publick house is like this maze of dining rooms I about never found G&L but I finally did. Our meal was delish real home cooking. Unforunately I didn't take any photos last night but if you want to check out a little about the Publick house click here.

1 comment:

  1. You go to the most interesting places!! I love seeing your pictures!!
