

Okay so at some point I should go to bed...

but right now I'm not tired I'm hyped up on Turkey Burgers and slushies! Anywho I am enjoying reading a few lists so I thought I would share...

Billy Ray Cyrus's Remaining Daughters and the Relative Worth of Their Concert Tickets - Who knew this character called Hannah Montana and Billy Ray Cyrus were related. This is all new to me.

Lifetime Television Movies of the Future - I can't wait for some of these. I am a little sad however that Pyscho Hose Beast from Mars didn't make the list.

Spinoffs of Dancing with Stars for the Common Man - I couldn't resist sharing this because well I love a little dancing with stars although I can't stand anything but the dancing part.

One more because we all can laugh at OJ - Alternate Titles for OJ's Simpson's new book

Happy thanksgiving. Gobble Gobble!

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