

So many things...

I have so many things to share hopefully I will get around to all of them before going back to work next week. Here's just one of them.

Julie's Bachelorette Party...
First we went to a roller derby - did you know Indianapolis has their very own Roller Derby Team? I know how cool is that. They are super good too they outscored the other team by like 140 points. Anyhow it was a first for all of us and I'm sure we'll go again as it was a good time. Here's a few pics (sorry most of the shots I took were blurry I should have brought the bigger camera).
And from the little party at the hotel. Katie and the bride (who by the way isn't getting married until April).
All the girls I think we have 4 Amandas pictured here how fun is that.
And what night would be complete without you best friends requesting you a song and making you go up on stage and be serenaded I'm pretty sure Julie wanted to kill us but I'm sure looking back it was worth it.
More soon.


  1. Aw looks fun! Looks like that roller skating chick forgot her pants!

  2. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Good morning, Katie! Looks like you had fun!

  3. what a neat way to spend a bachlorette party!
