

Yankee Pot Roast!

What other kind of pot roast is there in new england? Well Shoot I don't know.

I had a meeting crazed day at work. I rushed out the door to meet a friend in the burbs for supper. She took me to Henry Wadsworth Longfellows Wayside Inn for some history and some good eats. I got the Yankee pot roast which was devine, as was the history and I just love all things historic too. There's also a little chapel next to the inn that is said to be where some nursery rhyme was written, and a cute little old mill.Well anyhow it's getting late I'd love to catch up more but I must stop dilly dallying and go to bed. If you wanna read about the Inn you can see photos here, I took a few photos of the Sudbury Grist Mill one is on my Year in Photos Blog(sorry they stunk) if you want to see how cool the mill really is you might check it out here or here. Postcard pals look out something special coming your way soon!

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