

Back from a fantastic weekend...

let me start off by saying I love me some Jodie! And her family is just as adoreable and fabulous as her. They had 5 of us over for a lovely weekend in Newburg, IN (near Evansville). One of my favorite things was Jodies sons and husband were waiting on us all weekend. Dennis cooked us fabulous meals, and her boys made sure we were well taken care of too. And not to mention Jodie took care of us too! Thanks so much for having us. The lovely Kim drove us and so I have to give her big thanks for that. Poor thing she even got a speeding ticket on the way back. The Katie vs. Janelle Scrap-a-thon continues. I'm happy to say that I have closed the gap and I'm only behind 1 page. I will win this challenge. Stephanie made us some yummy cookies. And Jeanne well I just love her too. Here's some pics... perhaps I'll share more later


  1. AWESOME pics katie look like a fun weekend...thew monkey is funny LOL

  2. looks like you all had a blast!
