

What I miss...

I love traveling but sometimes I just miss things that are in Indiana. So this weekend I took photos of some of them.
I miss speedway slushies sorry I didn't stop in and get one but I wished I had.
Mainstreet in the Grove it's just so much more manageable than main streets in New England.
My craftroom even though it's messy.
Beech Grove
My spacious garage I'm so not good at parking but I can pull into my garage no problem.
Iterstates that don't charge me money to drive on them.
Jay even when he's got a mountain manness beard.


  1. I know what you mean. It is the little things that you miss when you aren't home.

  2. There's no place like home, huh?

  3. love this thread. I should do a layout of things I love about where I live.
