

ABC of me

Well my friend Tiffany tagged me with a fun little ABC's of me.

A- Attached or Single:
C- Cake or Pie: Cupcakes
D- Day of Choice: Friday - Saturday and Sunday
E- Essential Item (s): Floppy, Flip Flops, Camera and Sharpie Markers
F- Flavor of ice cream: Cherry Cordial, Cookie Dough
G- Gummy Bears or Worms: Harbo Gummy Bears
H- Hometown: Liberty or Oxford
I- Indulgence(s): Cupcakes & Slushies
J- January or July: July -because my birthday is in July
L- Last movie seen in theaters/DVD: I think it was No country for Old Men or maybe There will be Blood
M- Marriage Date: NA
O- Oranges or Apples: Apples just not those big maroon ones.
P- Phobias or Fears: Heights, Elevators, and Muffin Top
Q- Quote(s): Well Behaved Woman Rarely Make History
R- Reason To Smile: Almost Everything.
S- Season: All of them.
T- Tag others: Jodie, and Stephanie
U- Unknown Fact About Me: Is there something people don't know? I keep my sewing machine behind the couch.
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Oppressor although I love my meat.
W- Worst Habit: barefeet in the office
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Neither
Y- Your Favorite Food: Kung Pau Chicken
Z- Zociac: Cancer


  1. Love getting to know my friend Katie J a little better.

  2. How cool! I love getting to read about people.

    I keep my sewing machine in my bedroom under a I think behind the sofa makes more sense!


  3. Fun to read and I lifted the idea for my blog!
