

Looking for Property in Newport...

and lucky me the Breakers Mansion is furnished, and nobody's lived there since the Vanderbuilt's. lol
We had a marvelous time in Newport today. I'm totally sold that I need one of these mansions right there on the water shoot I'd take one of the "little cottages" - not likely anytime soon but it's good to have goals. We only got to tour the breakers mansion which was perfectly fine with us we really enjoyed it. One of our favorite parts was that the limestone covering the external portions of the mansion is good old indiana limestone - doesn't that make you feel like butter - we did. After our tour and a quick walk along the cliff walk - we decided it would be better to come back and walk the cliff when it was warmer. So instead we drove along ocean drive and went to Benton Park - rated one of the best places to fly a kite and someone was flying one too - a big and fancy one too (see pics) - unforunately no kite for us. Newport is gorgeous even when it's cold if you ever get a chance you should visit and if you don't believe me check out the pics. I took so many I had to just share some of my favorites...
Carvings in the good old Indiana Limestone.
Jay talking oh his cell phone. Can you tell he's thrilled to tell his dad about the mansion.
Jay and I in front of the mansion. Look you can't even see the mansion.
This is the front of the mansion. It's three floors but there's a "hidden" fourth floor where servants lived.
kite at benton state park. look how fancy it is?
view from ocean drive.
I think they catch lobsters or crabs or something in there aren't they fun?
cliff walk. no that's not Jay and I those are strangers they wouldn't stay out of my photos.
shells. I found a few smalls ones worth saving.
I love this little fishing boat.
these rocks had stairs carved in them that took you down right to the water - how fun.
jay and I at a rock beach along ocean drive.
and Jay all windblown. look how fun the water and moss is.


  1. Looks like a beautiful place, KatieJ! I'm gonna have to add that to my list of places I wanna go someday!

  2. What beautiful pics!

  3. BEAUTIFUL pics katie and tfs

  4. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Nice home!
    The kite is awesome, too.


  5. great photos! glad Jay could visit the east coast with you.
