

Skylines and Escalators

So tonight I got home at an almost decent hour from work and JJ and I went to the Prudential Tower for some skyline viewing. They give you these little radios and set you about to spy things from the 50th floor windows. Reminds me a little of the Sears tower only you aren't as high up so you can actually see things. We were there for the sunset so that was more fabulousness. However JJ and I both didn't care much for Buddy the narrator or the rapping green card guys - Annoying. But we did enjoy the views. After our viewing we went for a brisk stroll on Newbury street unforunately all the little shops were closed but I cannot wait to go back such a cool area all the shops are in row house like buildings.
We stopped in Island something for supper only to discover that the food was good and the service not so good but I guess if you have to be chosey good food is the way to go.
After that we headed back on the greenline. Holy jam packed trains! The Sox game was a little chilly so the train was packed with early departers and so it was get to know the train riders time. And of course more and more people got on at each stop and there wasn't any place to put them. Forunately we made it back safely without any inappropriate rubbing. We also got to ride the escalators at the MIT stop because who doesn't like some escalator riding - supa fun. Well I need to get ready for some BED as tomorrow we need to be up early enough for some waffles. nite.


  1. Wow, beautiful sunset pics KatieJ!

  2. The escalator picture is definitely my FAVORITE!!
