

So here I am...

sitting in the laundry room. Waiting on the dryer to finish it's cycle. My co-worker Bryan had his laundry stolen last year and so he is always warning me about leaving it all alone - perhaps my laundry would get bored just talking to itself too. So what can I do but sit here and blog about something oh so marvelous like hanging out in the laundry room? Let me tell you about my experience here...
First there's only 5 washers - 8 dryers too who did that math?? It seems everyone decided about 8:30 they too wanted to do their laundry so I get in here and there's only one open. Since I've already dragged two loads down I figure I will just mash the whites and the coloreds all in the same washer what can I say I'm all for desegration it's a good thing I don't believe in bleach. Regardless my slightly overloaded washer was going full speed jumping around the laundry room when people came in to change their clothes over I naturally pretended it must be someone else's. hehe
So I go to toss the stuff into the dryer and I get 30 minutes for $2 yes that's right 30 minutes for $2 insane especially since it takes more than 30 minutes to dry even on the HIGH setting. So I manage to segregate my laundry once again so the whites dry with the whites and the coloreds with the coloreds I can't have no bleeding now ya know. I also pulled out those dry clean only clothes because we all know I'm not really into following directions but at least I'm not going to dry them - I most certainly cannot wear size itty bitty!
And now I wait and wait and wait for my thirty minutes to be up so I can stop watching my clothes dry. Isn't this how you always dreamed of spending your Wednesday night. I know I did - with any luck I can finish the night out with a episode of my beloved Top Chef - ahhhh the luxury of it all.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Hauling a weeks worth of laundry to the laundrymat was the most dreaded part of living in an apartment! Except college. On Saturday nights, we would fill the tubs of the washers with ice, beer, and wine coolers!

