

Oh yay for beautiful May days!

Jay and I got up WAY too early this morning and went yard sailing. we didn't find a single thing worth buying people just have too much junk but we did enjoy ourselves. After a little lunch we went to the park to feed the squirrels yes I know we shouldn't feed the squirrels but we do anyway. Their weren't many out today but we did find a few of them. See pics below.
Jodie I took this one especially for you I hope you like it.
This is my favorite I love how they can run down the tree.
Jay and the squirrel.
And here he is standing on his hind legs.
And Jay in front of my favorite doors at the park.
And me in front of the doors (please excuse my bad hair)


  1. What fun pics in the park! I know Jodie will love the first one!!!

  2. Love the squirrel photos! I made my dog Deuce look at the computer screen (especially that tree photo) and he went crazy! Loves chasing them! Only has come close once to actually catching them so it's all sport (for you animal lovers). Glad you had a great day!

  3. Arrrrrrgh!!!! Pictures without heads! Cute squirrel, glad you didn't cut his head off! hehe
