

Summer is ending...

Summer is almost over how sad is that I don't even know where it went. I made a list way back in when of things we needed to do this summer - paint the garage trim, clean out the tupperware drawer, trim the bushes, etc etc. Most of the list hasn't been accomplished although we accomplished some of the things. There's always fall to finish these things.

Anyhow as I waste away the remainder of my long weekend. Took a few pics from a walk around the neighborhood. Walnuts in the sidewalk.

My neighbors sold their house - we're a little surprised since it's just two bedrooms and the market is down. So the Bob's will be moving. I can't say I'm that sad. Mrs. Bob is anything but friendly in the 5 years we have lived here we have never talked to her; however Bob and lil' Bob are good neighbors. Not sure when they are moving yet but here's to hoping that the "new bobs" will be more fun.
I found a cicada shell on a tree.
Oh and jay "posed" for a pic with me. Or should I say he couldn't run away fast enough.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:58 AM

    love your pics :) we saw a locust (thats what we call them) coming out of its shell the other night!
