

The UP

A whole lotta pictures from my UP/Eagle Harbor Adventures.
Just in case you've never been to the UP, for the record there are no strangers there - I only met like 100 different people. Here's a some folk we met while eating ice cream at the Berry Patch. They were even so kind to let us tast Mackinaw Peanut Butter Fudge. I actually tried Armaretto Cherry and Mackinaw Fudge myself that night - excellent!
I think my grandparent's friends neil and mary are fabulous. Neil is like a ball of happy and mary is so adoreable and thoughtful (not that neil isn't). Neil even ventures into the lake where the water is freezing - Jay Jones!
And here's the harbor as seen from the weeds and the flowers.

It was great to see Kelly she's grown up since the girl I last saw running around with no shoes. Good luck with your MCATS
Oh and there was Rachel and Colleen. Last time I saw Colleen she was 4. So it was a long overdue family moments. Colleen perhaps some time all the cousins can be in the same place at the same time what fun that would be.
I don't know why but how cool are these jeans on the line against the blue water and sky. I love it!
Oh and here we are eating our ice cream. I love how rachel is laughing.
Check our the matching sweatshirts - note mine doesn't match I didn't get the memo that we were wearing checkers. It was great to see some sunsets with you gals even if we couldn't talk the general store people into selling us ice cream.
look something interesting to picture our feet with. Jono look what it says.
my ugliest ever cherry pie. it was yummy though and the cherries came from the raley's tree too.
my sleeper cabin it's super cute. I don't think I got a picture of the inside though. Back in the day it was cabin #8 of the Lake Breeze cabins. And there of course was the lighthouse.
If you yourself want to travel to eagle harbor you need to take a plane that looks like this to Hancock. Yes it's a prop plane.
Oh look there's Chris I think he's picking us cherries. Yummy.
Oh and there were thimbleberries unforunately they weren't ripe enough for Jam making. But if you have never seen one fiest your eyes.
Sunsets sunsets and more sunsets (check the waves).
This slide is still on the beach too. Doesn't it look fun.


  1. Awesome photos with a capital A! Love all the antedotes to go with them too! My fav has to be the sunset pic. Your colors are amazing!

  2. Anonymous6:14 AM

    awww, looks like fun!! always love your pics :)

  3. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Great pictures and stories! I'm sure you had a wonderful time!


  4. oh wow! those pictures make me want to go there!
