

The Airport List

Thea here's my list.
5 Airports that I like
  1. Indianapolis - surprisingly my home airport is the best the on time departure from Indy is like no other - probably mostly because I leave at 5 or 6am and we are not part of the eastern seaboard - chalk one up for the midwest.
  2. Phoneix - I love the little shops and the art there.
  3. Dayton - Even though I rarely fly to or from Dayton anymore something is to be said for smaller airports with lower travel rates.
  4. DCA - yay for airports three subway stops from my brother and a great place for a layover because if it does get delayed or cancelled I can see someone I love!
  5. Hartford - Despite not being able to fly direct to Indy from here this is a great alternative to Logan. It's small manageable and only two hours away should they cancel my regular flight or have fog in Boston.

5 that I dislike

  1. Philedelphia - I avoid this place like the plaque not a single visit or layover in philly has been a good experience for me, delays delays delays, nasty airport hotel stay overs ick ick ick.
  2. O'Hare, Chicago - I also despise this place although no where near as much as philly because at least if I can make it to chicago I can catch a quick train ride or rent a car to get home. But with their creepy tunnels, and horrible stories of rats in the bathrooms and restuarant kitchens - NO Thanks!
  3. Boston Logan - Despite the fact they let me cut the lines here weekly I gotta put this one on the list of not so fun airports. Most of the terminals seem to be vastly bare, and worn down. And let's be real the unpredictable weather and being on the eastern seaboard make the on time departures far and few between.
  4. Atlanta - I almost put this one in the top list because I tend to bump into other travelers I know so it's not all bad. But delays in Jackson Hartfield are dreadful and I did lose a cell phone to this airport, and seriously who wants to sit on a runway for 5 hours - BUILD MORE already.
  5. Dulles - This was a hard selection because there are very few airports I don't like as much as the top four. But with the traffic around dulles and distance from the rental car places to the airport being so far this one wins the fifth spot.


  1. Yea for Indy! I trust your judgement as you're second home is an airport. I still don't see how you do it!

  2. thanks Katie - nice to know that home town airports are loved -- you with indy and me with SJ. Hope you get to spend some time at home too and not so much in the airports.
