

Perhaps it's the...

nerd in me but I've been reading up on the bailout and I rarely read (although I am reading Thomas Friedman's latest book Hot, Flat, Crowded). But anyhow I thought I might share a few interesting links because everyone should be informed so if you want to get your read on check this out or perhaps this or maybe this one is more enticing I do love the phrase "The American Dream is an aspiration, not an entitlement."- but even as I read about the "crisis" - I can't help wondering are we heading toward another "great depresssion" - I have a good friend who lost her job last November and hasn't worked since then and hasn't really seriously looked for a job and she hasn't lost her house, cancelled her cable or really even changed her lifestyle except maybe her $200 shoes are a year old? I was just at the mall last week getting clothes when my luggage was lost and the place was packed - if we are are going broke what are these people buying and what are they buying it with - credit? I don't have the answer that's for sure I might know how to do a running stitch and manage a project schedule but my investments manage themselves and I set up the investment based on recommendations a friend of mine's advice afterall she was the finance major. It all just seems like a bad idea to me perhaps it's because I worked at Freddie last year and I know that their "business processes" (if you can call them that) should have been restructured long ago or maybe it's because I've never seen 1 billion dollars let alone 700.
Oh and to end on a fun note I thought I would share a little dilbert it's not my favorite one ever but as a consultant in IS I can't help but love a little dilbert.

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