

Flash back 2 weeks ago...

Because it's good to blog in order before I can blog about kentucky I should blog about northern indiana. So flashback with me. so I went up there for steven's finacee's bridal shower. And Jeanne, Kim and even little Sammie got to hang out for a while too.
We went into Valpo where they have revitilized their downtown and now it's got the cutest little shops including a cupcake shop - it wasn't even anyone's birthday but does that stop the cupcakes - heck no. so after a quick trip downtown we went to a fall festival called the pumpkin festival (we didn't stay long because we really wanted a pumpkin festival with pumpkins) so we went down the road to the local farm with pumpkins. The farm was completely adoreable had it been near Indy we'd have never gotten in the parking lot it would have been packed so lucky us we weren't. I got some mini pumpkins and gourds and cider and we saw what there was to see there and headed out to meet Kim and Sammie. We all went shopping for dresses and then we headed out for mexican and margaritas at a local place in Merriville. The next day we slept in and then played a little wii - I tried very hard to let sammie win even although she still kept losing - before waffle breakfast (sammie's favorite). Then we went to steven's shower (unforunately I didn't upload any pictures from then as I took there but I did get some cute ones).
I won a mum (I think everyone did) I wanted a fake one so I didn't have to water it but someone beat me to it :( - and as it turns out I'm allegric to mums. Who would have thought! But the entire way home I was getting watery eyes and sneezing until I put it in the way back and I broke out into hives where the plant touched me - bizarro I guess I won't plant a mum garden anytime soon. Anyhow there's a little recap and of course any recap is useless without pics so here's some pics.
So from the cupcake shop. This was on the wall I don't know if you can tell or not but it's cake molds in the shape of heads with cupcakes on them.
Oh and I love this tin tile ceilings with retro fans and sparkley black crows and chandeliers. I think I need a sparkley black crow.
another shop downtown. wasn't it nice of that guy to "pose" for a pic like he's test driving that scooter.
Look at the cute lambs on the knitting store sign.
Oh and the pumkin farm (not to be confused with the pumpkinless festival).
That's my size pumpkin.
Jodie one for you I know you'll love it - either way I love it even though I chopped off our heads (sometimes phone tripods don't work so good).

And here's one where the grass just adds a little something to the pic too.
I love the blue of this one.
oh and how cute are they. this is sammies best drinking face.
next post is kentucky...

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