

The Kelly Cousins & Cousin Stephen's

Well we visited the kelly cousins for a smidge yesterday too. And then had the most fantastic chilli at my cousin stephen and his girlfriend ninas house. I am still dreaming about it jono and I plan to make some ourselves. Anyhow here's a little recap.
Nina (aside from loving games like us, and being a fantastic person and hostess also has this awesome jewelry making studio). Here's just a smidge of what she's working with. check out her glass beads she makes. Too cool.
Aunt Rachel and cousin sara came to visit us too. Sarah is all grown up now - craziness.
Cousin Stephen decorating his tree.
Jonathan doing the dishes (he also does them at home).
Jonathan won a round of Bananagram and he thought it was pretty cool. Dylan however gave him a thumbs down.
We got to visit with Leslie and Andrew too (our kelly cousins). Just for a quick pop-in perhaps we'll see them again.
A group shot at Andrews (well minus JJ and I we did get a whole group).
and a group shot of us and the kellys and sarah.

1 comment:

  1. You all sure know how to pack in the family fun!!!! Thanks for sharing your trip!!!
