

There was this one day...

That started off with a long train ride. (JJ was working so it was all Jono and I). Then we ran into this little cutie - Pam. She joined us for lunch and margaritas.
And then there was shopping for new christmas ornaments and there was this one invention I just feel in love with - the Cart escalator! Hello how fantastic is that.
They even warn you they are for carts only. Don't be sending your babies up or down in them. I wonder when cart escalators are coming to Indy. I can't wait.
And then after another long train ride. We dropped off our loot and did a little sightseeing in DC. There was the lincoln.
And the reflection pools. Complete with scary santa and his helper.
Look there's santa jumping in our pics of the washington monument.
And some silohettes that look vaguely familar with the sights.
And funky photos of us and abes feet.
And people getting annoyed that we want to them stay out of our timer photos. They really wanted to jump all up in our business on the front steps.
But the einsteinwas all us.
yup just us.
And then we stopped by to get JJ and our loot and headed out for cocktails and noodles. And the best part was that it was 1/2 price cocktail time! Yay on that.

1 comment:

  1. Fun trip. Hi Pammy! I heart those cart escalators! Wow. cool idea.
