

Chinese New Year Adventures

Sunday I went on a Chinese New Year Adventure. Complete with a trip for some Dim Sum, Dragon Dancing, Chinese Supermarket & more. It was rather fantastic and an excellent way to kick off what I'm calling a perfectly "square" month. (Square meaning exactly 4 weeks and starting on sunday ending on saturday - woot). Anyhow no adventure would be complete without photos so without further ado here's some pics.
The chinese leave an offering of oranges, lettuce and money for the dragons and the dragons will come and "bless" their businesses with a dance and fireworks.
Feb 1st was the day of the monkey - isn't that appropriate (the monkey is my chinese sign).
Exotic fish at the supermarket. There were row and rows of fish and tanks of eel & craps and all sorts of interesting goodies - it did not make me like fish any.
Chinese Cakes in the chinese bakery.
Dim Sum - the peppery beef was my favorite but we only tried like 20 things. All very yummy.
A dragon.

More Dragons

Look you can see him operating the dragon (if you want to rent a space in china town then you can call that number in the background too)

The drummer
My most adoreable friend Lili.
2009 The year of the OX!
These are tangerines that you eat whole. no peeling they aren't much bigger than my thumbnail either.
Oh we went to the tea store and they also sold seahorses there. $50 for like 2 horses. We had a whole conversation about what you did with your $50 seahorses. It seems they are great for your liver and you put them in your soup (whole) so literally it looks like seahorses swimming around in there. I did not buy any I couldn't bring myself to make seahorse soup or even pay $50 for two of them. They also had $300 Urchin but they didn't make such a cute picture.
I took this pic for jono. Check out all these noodles in a cup little brother? You really must get some.
That's all for now I should have left the hotel 20 minutes ago I will sit in traffic now for sure!


  1. Oh Katie, this has to be by far one of my favorite posts! I love all the colors, the pictures and the peek into a new and different world! Fantastic. Looks like a wonderful Chinese New Year!

  2. Anonymous5:35 PM

    What a fun day! Love all the pictures!

