

Last weekends adventures...

so I was intending to have myself an adventure today and I set out on it and decided that this cold jono gave me when I was in Indiana last week was kicking my butt and I should go back to the hotel and nap. But since I need to blog this week I wanted to share with you adventures from last weekend. For the record I think that we have to be the only people in the world who go Antique Shopping and then to SupaCross in the same day. But here's a recap in reverse order because I'm just that cool today.
We hit supacross! which is the second biggest motorsport after nascar. It was at the new stadium in Indy we didn't know boo about it really until we googled it prior to going. Prior to going I was really wishing it was a monster truck rally as I think that would be super cool. But Supacross proved to be just as great as I envisioned monster trucks would be too! Woot! Anyhow it was actually really fun, 61,000 of our closest friends were there (actually we saw lots of people we know) and we all enjoyed the main event where the two best drivers battled it out and James Stewart fell twice and still almost caught Reed. In addition to some great racing they also had fireworks (I do love fireworks) and halftime shows with stunt motocylce tricks. Anyhow a few pics for you all I took some video footage too but I haven't the slightest idea how to upload that.
Ready set go! They all line up like this prior to starting there's this pounding of the dirt dance that takes places prior to the race starting too which I do enjoy.
And yes wrecking!
And fireworks!
so prior to our supacross activities we went antique shopping. While I'm home I usually try to take jono to different places he may not have discovered in Indy yet and so I took him to midland. Which is an antique mall inside of an old storage place. We were looking for something for joe's entry way which we felt needed to be spiced up a bit and a typerwriter for me. We saw lots of cool things and bought a handful of things. We will definently be back again and likely will check out the one on the north side too. If we weren't starving when we left we might have gone to the salvage yard too but we were hungry. So ended up getting a lovely ensemble of glove display hands and shoe molds for his entry way and we think it will be a nice addition to his apartment. Anyhow a few pics...
Here's what the place looks like. I didn't get a shot of the doors which I think is one of the best parts of the building. Next time.

My favorite purchase! Yes it's a croquet set. We couldn't resist this little lovely and we plan to make good use of it this summer and have croquet parties and tournements. We are envisioning some that are like croquet mini golf that may or may not include obstacles involving the christmas tree, bicylces, and perhaps a mini windmill if we can rig it up! Everyone's invited so long as they are sophiscated enough for croquet.
The only typerwriter in the place was $60 and missing some letters in addition I doubt I would have been able ot type anything on it. So I will keep looking.
Before there was antique shopping there was adventures on Mass Ave. This is on my list of things to do this year (DONE!) unforunately it was SO cold. But we braved the coldness and still checked things out. I think I now have a new favorite store Silver in the City - they have everything random and fabulous. I think jonathan would agree it's definently a good place to get stuff. We also enjoyed some of the other shops although the toy store did not have any games worth getting. So for some pics...
They have lots of art on mass ave, perfect for timer pics.
And Mary Poppins lost or something, next to some other art.
Truth and Lies Suggestion Boxes art installation by Jamie Pawlus. I wanted to drop something in but I had nothing to write on. Next time.
Mass Ave Sign.
Another Art Installation. We did enjoy this one she does a little dance.
Oh and in other good news only 1 month until we are in the UK.


  1. It would have been great if you could have found a typewriter that worked. Good luck with your search!!

  2. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Thanks for sharing your pictures!


  3. I have always wanted to go to that antique warehouse. Maybe we can go together sometime when I'm in town. I bet I could find some cool photog props!
