

Good Morning Ramble

Jono and I are leaving for Ireland & the UK in like 72 hours I cannot wait. I love travel miles. Grandpa if you are reading this shoot me an email about where the Kelly family is from in Ireland and maybe we can see some of their old stomping grounds and meet other Kellys?
I continue to be rambling on about work (boring) but we are putting my big project to rest when I get back from vacation so perhaps I'll be having daily adventures then I miss those. Of course then my other projects will get big but I'll enjoy my few minutes of fun.
The chain of love. Is now offically closed - I think I'm at six Jodie, Kellie, Mom, Lubie, Kim and Aunt Thea. - Lubie and Kellie you can still play because I said so!
And because every good blog has a pic. Here's a few oldies that are on my laptop (for the record I have moved off most of them so I can get those pics of the day up).
And here I am as one of the worlds fattest babies. I know I'm laying down but I think this is the beginnings of me not being able to sit lady like for more than two minutes. I'm pulling up dress and showing off some leg. Oh my.

EO sent this one to Jono - I think it's hilarous. Look at Jono's pants and I'm not sure Joe gets the concept of bunny ears he's giving them to himself. LOL. Left to Right we have my friend Beth, AE in front of her, Me (with the mess of hair), Cherub, Jono, Joe, & Rocky. I wonder where JJ is? This is pre-Lita but JJ should have been around.
And one slightly more recent downtown chicago circa 1998. Look I really can't stand like a normal person. I am the one on the left.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I can't stop laughing. I LOVE that last pic of you. Cracks me up. Love the comment about it too.
