

London Again...

One last one from london and then we see Dover and Stonehenge. For the record we enjoyed england but it seemed that we liked the areas outside of London better than the city. By far the people of ireland have to be the nicest - perhaps our tazi cab driver frim nigeria summed it up best. It's because they are poor that's what makes them friendly. Anyhow here's some of our photos from London.
The tube - we did so enjoy riding the trains and yes the rumor is true I did jump on a train and leave Jono at the station. But in all fairness the train was full and the doors were closing.
random city shot.
another bridge - london has lots of them.
A shot from up in the tower bridge.
Jono and I at the tower of london. not sure why the heck we look possessed.
An umbrella sculpture. It rained like 75% of the time we were in London although the sun did come out our last day.
Buckingham palace. The queen did not invite us in for tea and crumpets.
The tower of London.
Gates of buckingham palace.
JJ try not to be jealous but there are waffle places everywhere and street vendors selling waffles too. you would have been in heaven unforunately we did not try the waffle dog but we did have a few waffles.


  1. did you bring me back some waffles?!!

  2. I love the pic of you and Jono, even though you do look slightly possessed! LOL I'm so enjoying your trip! :o)

  3. Did you tour the Tower and see the crown jewels, torture chambers and site where Ann Bolin was beheaded? Great shots!
