


We didn't get much time in Wales however we were able to get a fast virgin train to London which was a good thing as we didn't actually have plans for how we were getting into london from Wales we just set sail from Dublin. The Ferry was delightful we slept most of the trip in our cabin but let me just say the irish made good use of the time partying a good portion of them took the ferry over to drink and then were taking it right back. At 11 am when we landed in Wales I think 1/2 the foot passengers were buzzed. We did get to wander around Holyhead for a bit though and it's quite delightful. The people there are the most cheerful the guy in the casino we went in put 20pounds in the slot machine for us since I didn't know how to play. And the restaurant owner was equally great I think our lunch was 10 pounds but should have been like 15. He did also enjoy that we put a Indiana dot on his map of travelers. Anyhow here's a few photos...

Me at the train station.

Jono at this seaside church on this cliff very cool building.

The seaside.

more seaside.

A napoleanic something I can't recall what they call these.

Jono on the train.

welsh farmland

Holyhead streets.

The gateway to the above church.


  1. Wow...I wanna go there!!!

  2. so glad you are finding your way around. Love the pictures!
