

The latest project at the jones & co compound

we are in the process of building me a new craftroom in the garage so Joe can move into the extra room. The new craftroom or should we call it the "studio" that sounds so much more official - will include many shelves including this extra large super sized shelf. Which has been the latest project at our house. It was an adventure to get the wood from the lumber yard note random country music on the radio helps make it more enjoyable. We haven't assembled any of the shelf yet but we have cut all the pieces, sanded, and stained and stained and stained them. The staining is probably the most boring and tedious process wood should come already stained but of course it doesn't which I think is purely to spite me - and I really wanted this "exotic" stain color but for the record despite the samples they have at the store they do not really sell super cool exotic stain colors. And just to prove that we are doing the work here's a few pics (that japanese tourist camera comes in handy) -
every good carpetener jots notes down on the wood. in 100 years someone will find joes notations and enjoy them (I didn't sand them off).
The first cut. Yes we wear safety goggles and gloves in the wood shop.
Staining and staining and more staining. Place you bets now if 2 gallons of stain will be enough.

And just for fun I started a new project - A Million Little Pictures.


  1. I can't wait to see the STUDIO when it's all done! I know it will be super fabulous!!

  2. Look who's rockin' out a Brownsburg Bulldogs shirt! That was my school back in the day! hehe
