

Off to the races...

Well the car races! The indy 500 in fact. It was a great time if you've never been it's something to put on your bucket list as even if you aren't into the race or the party the people watching is fantastic and 250,000 people in one place truly a spectacle.

Jodie striking a pose with this car.
Jono and I with the cars. Why don't I wear those sunglasses? Apparently squinting is in. note mr. no shirt next to me (oh the fun of the infield) not that I can talk my shirt is falling off.

This is what happens in the infield.
Jono and the celebration balloons.
Jono pre-sunburn.
Check out the sunglasses jono scored from some white trash girls. I think they are totally indy 500.
After the race we needed a little paddle boat. And Jodie's parents have just the ticket! I love that Jodie looks all normal but we look special can you tell she's a photographer?
This one actually has me it in it.
In true jones fashion we needed a feet shot. Good thing I didn't share the underneath of my feet they were super dirty.
This is how we roll
I'm not sure what this look is all about I think it says bad plastic surgery.
This is joe pretending he's not our brother. He's not into the girlie margaritas
And my favorite photo from our adventures. When I saw this I could not stop laughing! I wonder if I took in a high enough resolution that I can blow it up poster size!
Me and margarita #2 I think note the sunburn that is a product of SPF 30 x4.

1 comment:

  1. HA HA HA HA HA! Love these photos almost as much as I loved spending the day with the Jones and Co clan. What a great day!
