

Art Fairs & Italian Street Fairs & Roller Derbys

Busy weekend here and we still may go to Kings Island yet. Friday night we went to the Italian street fair where we polished off three bottles of wine, got some good food, rode the ferris wheel, and came home with a gold fish which we promptly named Italian Street Fair. Italian Street Fair is already fitting in with Fall Festival and Grove. I forgot my camera on Friday so we didn't have a single pic and the boys did not let me forget it.
Saturday we were up early doing things like laundry & errands. I ran to the Indieana HandiCraft Exchange - which is quite possibly the cutest little craft fair. They were selling all kinds of good things pottery made by children in urban areas or with disabilities, letterpress, silk screen, paintings, homemade soap and more. There was even a girl about 7 or 8 their who would draw your portrait for $3 if their hadn't been a line I would have had her do mine. It also bumped up against the Talbott Street Fair which had some fun things too. I came home with an apron for jono - mugs for joe and I and a button for Lita. I really wanted to buy this painting on cardboard for my craft room but I held off and got the website so I can get it later.
After that mom and Lita came up for the derby and more street fair action. The roller derby was fun - we tailgated in the parking lot beforehand surprisingly that is a very popular activity at the roller derby - who knew? Anyhow enough ramble here's some snaps in no particular order.
Jono and I at the derby - every good Naptown Roller Girls Fan needs a foam finger - we were not exempt to that.
Joe playing the rigged basketball game. They "smoosh" the hoops so the ball barely fits. The worker couldn't even hit it.
Dart balloon game - Lita won this one.I love the blurriness of the photo. the lense got wet in mybag with the wine.
Mom at the derby. She is into it. - we like to call her Leeeead Jammer!
Joe at the derby.
Lita and I at the derby.
My photos of the actual action are HORRIBLE. I think I got some decent ones with Mom's camera though. I haven't a clue how to take action shots with my point and shoot.
Going to a street fair where they encourage wine in the streets.
Traditional foot shot. No we did not pay $10 for parking. Just saw the sign.
I thought this was the cutest. This guy is teaching his 2 year old to skate board of could he's blocking his son, but you know they were going away from me not toward me.
At street fairs particularly Handicraft exchanges it's very popular to ride your bike. Look at how cute these bikes are? The yellow was wasn't a repo it was the real deal with a new coat of yellow paint I so want it.
The art fair. I love those paintings there in that second booth. Click image to see bigger.
People looks at colorful things.
This I think it's so cool. This guy was making things from trash. this is a fish sculpture made of bottle caps and a boat oar.
That's all for now. Later.


  1. WE sure had fun over the weekend. Don't work too much while you are in Boston.
    Love ya!

  2. Who doesn't love a street fair!
