

Baseball & Bikes

On Wednesday I had the opportunity to go to Fenway and so I took a break from work and went to the Sox game. It was the 500th consecutive sellout so they even gave us a souvenir ball.
We were in the fifth row left field but with my baby point and shoot you can't get good photos. But this is Virateck I think Lili's former favorite player.
I like this sign. Don't touch the balls.
The seats - Joe these are not big guy approved - my knees were in someones ear.
Lili and I - I love the look of the guy behind us.
We were right near the mariners bullpin I thought it would be fun to snap photos through the fence this was the only one I liked though.
And I broke out my bike today.
Look there's my new Roos. Aren't they loverly. I'm taking a poll as to what should be put in their pocket. Any suggestions?
Joe and Jono new bikes. And Jono would like me to inform the world that at this time next year he is planning to be Indy's Top Cyclist. We told him he better get bike pants and a helmet and get himself out to the velodrome.


  1. Fun times! I say put a lucky penny in the pocket of your new Roos.

  2. Great always have so much fun! I say put a dollar in the pocket that way you'll never be broke cause that dollar will always be there...until you are broke and have to whip it out to spend it! LOL
