
Ladies & Gentlement it's my pleasure to introduce to you...

Bungalow Bill Studio....

A place where you can make "stuff"! And make stuff I shall I already have like 10 projects in the works inside my head I can't wait. Anyhow let's meet the studio shall we...

Here is where you store things that can be recycled into something good. Note it's overflowing with goodness.

This shelf is like a randomness shelf. We have paint brushes, camera lenses, something in a box from Karen, a bucket o'beads, and adobe software.

Another section of the giant shelfwall. My Ribbons are in that botton green bucket each box inside has ribbon ribbon and more ribbon, and that almost empty shelf next door has a box of glue sticks for the glue gun.

The pegboard wall. we I think I need more things to hang up. we have like 22 kinds of scissors, hoops, ribbon that's too big for the boxes, rotary cutters, rulers you name it. On the table I had a prison tray with perlers, and all sorts of writing utensils. And if you look closely you can see my childhood toy box hidden under the table - it needs a new coat of red or green paint but for the time being it's staying.

This is the top left of the giant shelfwall. Top Shelf we have canvases, a basket of a 1/2 finished quilt, bins of fabric. next row Jars of flowers, a basket of letters, perler beads in bulk, foam things, soap making supplies, sequins and more. Going down one more - an ice bucket filled with polymer clay supplies, 1/2 finished sewing projects in a tub, my sewing machine, notions and more unfinished projects. Bottom shelf that you can't see is paper. Oh and that red thing sticking out is a red sofa.

Continuing along the giant shelfwall - we have green bucket of random craft supplies, a box of shiney things gems, sequins, studs etc, drawers with charms, tiles, beads other randomness and on top of that my 3 punches that I own. Below there my paper again, my die cut machine, random books, a bucket of more random supplies.

A shelf of glue and paint. Who knew you needed like 25 kinds of glue?
This was actually a housewarming present from my parents when I moved out of their house. It's a Gorilla planter. I store toys and kids craft supplies in it for when kids come over. Personally it's one of my favorite things they ever gave me. Behind him under the table we have a red bin that is my "box of boxes" a jones and co family tradition, and another bin of fabrics that need to be sorted. Oh and look you can kind of see our tile flooring.
This is the small shelf-wall which has lots of room to hold more supplies so if anyone wants to get me a mini silk screen or a gocco for my birthday I won't complain ;). The top shelf has boxes of stamps all which need new red or green pencil boxes but I am waiting to get those til back to school time. The next green bucket holds all my self inked stamps you know the kind like a librarian used to stamp, the buckets hold foam stamps, and the other green bin holds stencils, oh and my old minolta camera jumped out of hiding to hang out on the shelf. Below that we have a giant green bucket with acrylic and unmounted stamps, a silver tin of inks, more inks, stampin' up stamps, and my ipod speakers.
And because you can't get a good pic of the whole shelf-wall next we have. more stamps, more stamps, a bin full of almost every birthday card I ever recieved, a box full of tickets, a basket of colored pencils (most of which have been accumlated since I was old enough to hold them I think), and over in the corner my photo printer.
And a few close-ups. This is how my fabrics are. I have them divided by color inside bins. Here we have Blue, Green, Yellow and Orange - it's funny as I have like a whole bin of Red and a whole one of Pink but this is all the blues, greens, oranges I have?
A fishbowl full of staples and staplers. The CD Box below it actually has photo negatives not
One of my favorite shelves Jars of buttons and other knick knacks - my button collection is out growing these babyfood jars so I guess we better start buying more things in jars.
A bucket of acrylic paints. Which unlike my fabric collection is minus any red and pink.
I guess I didn't take a photo of the whole Giant Shelf Wall as there's no photo of where I store my yarn and I didn't get a single photo of the sofa. oh well there's always tomorrow. So long from the land of craftin' goodness.


scoobydew58 said...

Outstanding! I am so jealous of that fabulous wall of shelving. Mine is all fiberboard bookcases and they don't match:( Yours is a beautiful rich color too!

Kim said...

That is FANTASTIC!!!! Can't wait to come play!!!

Tammy said...


Anonymous said...

ooooh, yay!!!!!! how much fun are you going to have in there?!?!

Jodie said...

Oooooooo, Awwwwwwww. Fun and functional!