

Tucker & Ti

Tucker & his family grew up just down the street from us and Tuck & his brother are probably one the boys oldest friends. In fact Trevor is the guy Jono calls anytime we have any kinds of questions about fixing things. "Trevor - we're weed and seeding the the lawn and somehow I killed it what should I do?" "Trev - so we are going to the lumberyard what wood to recommend?" I love it.
Anyhow I haven't seen Tuck probably since he was a freshmen and I was a senior in highschool or it's probably actually it's probably more like one of the boys graduation parties or something but still it's been a while. But since he was has left the airforce he came up to see the boys. He brought his girlfriend, Ti, who compliments him so well. I love her chattiness and her interest in everything. And in our best efforts to convince them that instead of moving to the woods in california they should move to Indy we took them to Bazbeaux Pizza only the best Pizza in Indy and then drove them around town to see the sights. Well Ti was easily swayed but Tuck was having none of it. Anyhow here's a few snaps from their visit.
Joe and Lydia I think Lydia is indisguise she doesn't want to be seen with us.
Ti she was interested in the truth and lies boxes too.
Jono and I - don't you love eating shots.
Joe who eats his pizza with a fork.
Ti says cajun pizza is two thumbs up.
Tucker and Ti sharing the same bite.
And despite my best efforts to get everyone to run out into the street with me to take a foot shot they all stood on the curb. But I still snapped a shot and was not run over.

Anyhow Tucker & Ti I wish you both the best in your next adventure in California and perhaps sometime we'll take a Jones & Co trip out to see you.

1 comment:

  1. What fun...and you ate at another restaurant I love!!!
