

July 4th Weekend - Jones & Co Camping

So we're back! We had a delightful time camping on J Peircy Lake in Tennessee, despite the rain that started coming down in buckets last night and everything we brought got soaking wet. Here's some pics.
On our canoe trip there was this spot where you could swing from a rope into the water. Joe is giving it a whirl note he's splashing down into water not even as deep as him. When he was done the gentlemen who's property it was invited us to come stay at his place. Gotta love southern hospitatlity.
Me canoeing - Jono didn't like it when I paddled, because I tended to make us go crooked. Can you see Joe back there navigating the river.
Jono navigating the river
Joe canoeing - he had a gondola stance. Someone even asked him if was italian. His response "do I look Italian" We couldn't stop laughing.
Being the outdoorsmen that we are we made all our meals. Joe made us eggs & sausage with only a spork. BTW this swiss company makes these "sporks" that are knives, forks, & spoons all in one. They are fabuluos!
Look at Joe "sporking" away with his orange spork.
Jono and I looking like white trash in the woods.
Here we are after assembling our tent in the dark. The neighbor campers - Chuck and Megan were very impressed with our tent assembling ability - well Joe's anyhow. In fact Jono and I gave him the best outdoorsmen seen all weekend award. Congratulations Joe!

1 comment:

  1. What a fabby little post. Gotta love campin' in the south!
