

Tuesday 10 - How is it Tuesday again??

Time is flying by anyhow a list for this week...

  1. Been Loving some uber bubble gum.
  2. As someone who sends postcards like Pottery Barn Sells Catalogs I find this super cool -Today I saw - Postcard reciepents I have like 12 in my backpack waiting to mail out.
  3. A little something for my adoreable friend who wears fanny packs. I would NEVER be caught out in public in one. But this reminds me of you.

  4. Knowing vacation is 2 weeks away.

  5. Hilarous conversations with hotel employees (if only I could remember what was so funny).

  6. Good things coming to an end.

  7. Chicken and Waffles

  8. Finding $5 in the parking lot
  9. Yoga pants - these things are the best things ever!
  10. I am so going to make myself this. I don't like to read books so much but a headboard of books oh so cool.


  1. love the headboard and the fanny pack would look fabulous on karen!!!

  2. Love that headboard too!

  3. Wow... Not lovin fanny packs but love Tuesdays 10!

  4. Librarian's dream headboard...

  5. A Librarian's dream headboard...
