

Demolition Derbies, Giant Turkey Legs, Men on Fire and Butter Cows

Segment #2 of our journey to Iowa for Jonathan's Birthday - The Iowa State Fair! The main purpose of our road trip actually was to go to the State Fair. This was on Jonathan's list of things to do in 2009 so it only seems fitting that we can do it for his birthday road trip. Anyhow the Iowa State Fair puts all the other state fairs to shame really. Did you know they have park and ride? That's how many people flock to this thing. Held just outside of downtown Des Moines you could easily fit 2 or 3 of the Indiana State Fairs inside of this one. Not only is the size grand but they have 3 ferris wheels - yes you read that right three ferris wheels - how can you not love that. (In case you haven't noticed I love a ferris wheel). Unforunately because we didn't want to spend $60 riding ferris wheels we only rode one. Without further ado I give you the Iowa State Fair...
Giant Butter Sculptures - now they aren't as impressive as one would think - I was picturing something as big as a truck. But it is well crafted.
Skylifts! Every State Fair needs skylifts!
In case I haven't mentioned it - Kyle joined us for the State Fair and the cookout later and I'm so glad he did. He tried his hand at "the easiest game at the fair" - hah! That's not a softball he's throwing at steel milk bottles it's a nerf ball. Unforunately Kyle spent $15 and did not win a giant dinosaur or anything of the sort. :(
We saw some critters - including goats.
Oh and they had a gravitron! Anyone remember these? We did not ride it - but we did fondly recall riding it at the millet hall parking lot as a kid. Oh good times.
From the ferris wheel you can't really get a good view of the park from the big ferris wheel because there's lots of trees at the fair grounds but here's a shot. And you can see the two other ferris wheels.
Jono and Kyle and the Des Moines Skyline - yes it's that tiny.
There's the ferris wheel we rode.
And there was the crushing of metal at the demolition derby. What a hoot these are. We even got to see a big man in a little car throw a fit when the ref ejected him. It's almost like a pacers game. Basically in demolition derbies you try and crush the sh$% out of the other cars until they either give up, get stuck, or their engines stall out. Can you say nifty?
One guy even took out the fence
Station wagon's completely rule the big car rounds. Although we thought jono and joe's old grand prix might have given a good show.
Did you know they have half-time shows at the derby? Yes that's right. Don't try this at home little kiddies - but at the Demolition derby. They pour gasoline all over a derby car, with a guy named "Rocky" or something equally as cool inside. And then they light it on fire! No joke - the guy then jumps out of the car - where he becomes ingited himself and is engulfed in flames. He casually walks to a tarp to "stop drop and roll" it's true this will put the fire on you out btw however it helps if you have four burly firemen waiting to put you out as well. Anyhow a few snaps of the spectacular. Here is the car - before it explodes.
And here is Rocky walking calmly waving to the crowd while lit on fire. Marvelous!
After such excitiment one needs something to gnaw on? How about a turkey leg as big as your head?
We all agree however it needs a little hot sauce - fair vendors take note.
Thumbs up for the fair.
Stay tuned for Keeping Up with the Joneses the thrid and final segment....

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing fair! The only thing missing was a big hog and Charlotte's Web.
