

The UP Part 3 - In Reverse Order - My Brothers Rock!

Let me just start out by saying I have the world’s best brothers. On Saturday I set out to ship a kayak to Indiana with the locations of various places to ship from. Well it seems Saturday is not the ideal day to try and ship three rather large awkward shaped packages of kayak parts – at least not in the UP. One place was not shipping because of a parade another place just didn’t even bother to open and the third place would ship it however they had nothing to box it in. So I checked into a one-way rental from Houghton – that was not happening as it was going to cost at least $600 – humph. Checking them on the plane was not really an option as the bags to tote them in are as old as the kayak. So I called my brother Jono who was totally down for an 20 hour road trip. He of course talked the Schreve into it as well. Not only did they come all the way to Eagle Harbor to on a moment’s notice get the kayak but they also stopped in Chicago and picked up my neighbor in the harbor’s wife so they could spend some time together since they are living in two different places right now. Did I mention Jono and Joe didn’t even know Kristi before they picked her up? Poor Joe got pulled over in Michigan as well and he thought the state trooper was joking when she told him she was going to take his license it’s any wonder the Schreve didn’t get arrested. But the boys did get to see the Upper Peninsula because we over slept – I took them to a few spots Jono even wet swimming and now they cannot wait to come back next summer. Anyhow boys you are the greatest I hope you enjoyed your road trip. Now whenever we ride in the kayak we will have a grand story to tell about how we got it. And JJ it’s another one for the Jones and Co memoirs as well. And no Jones and Co adventure would not be complete without a few photos...
Us with the lighthouse - I think it's so cute how we accidentally cut the Schreve's head off. For the record it's not that easy to set the camera and timer up on rocks and make it into the pic.

Our feet at Mt. Brockway.
Jono at the top of mt. brockway.
Joe climbing rocks
Jono climbing rocks.
The three of us on top of the mountain I wish they had told me this was the puffed out chest shot.
The Copper Harbor Overlook - it was a bit foggy and overcast if you couldn't tell.
Jono taking a dip in his boxers he swore the water was warm - we did not jump in and join him though.

Viking Schreve
Pose of the day.
Jono with the pose of the day I think he missed that his arm was not supposed to be bent.
Joe drinking the water - you can see it's clear - he tells me it's delicious too.
Agate searching?
along the beach.
brothers skipping rocks together.
more rock skipping.
Bragging about who's skips the farthest
More UP photos & adventures soon...


  1. You do have the best brothers Katie! Glad they were able to come up North and transport the kayak. I loved seeing the pics! Now lets make some plans for you all to come down south to spend the day on the river with us. It's waaaaaay less than a 20 hour drive!!

  2. You guys win the award for coolest family!!!! Jones & Co. ROCKS!!!!
