

Tuesday 10 - More Loveliness

Tuesday already - I can't believe it. Anyone we have been watching some movies lately so perhaps later in the week I will share about movies. Anyhow this week's list...
1. Chinese Festivals with 25 Chinese people (literally)
2. Bazbeaux Pizza & Spinach Salad - We made our own.
3. Mad Men - Finally something I want to watch on tv. I love this. I just want to jump up into the television. How can you not love an office where your boss pours you a cocktail?

4. Old school board games, like...
Murder She Wrote

The Miss America Pageant circa 1974

5. Russian Photos - too cool they don't even look like they are from 1907.
6. Mysterious Letters - I think we should do this.
7. Wild West Road Trip Planning - October 2009 - you know you want to come.
8. Fruit Leather - I think I'm going to make some.
9. New glasses (photo coming soon)
10. My Tomatoes are growing! Here and I thought they wouldn't (photo coming soon)


  1. those Russian pictures are amazingly clear!

  2. Love the Russian Photos. We studied this mans work and his technique in Photography class.

  3. that pizza looks divine!
